We will help you and *your children* to drink more water
Why don't we or our kids drink enough water? The reasons are the same for everyone, completely banal for children. We don't like water, that's why we force ourselves into it and that feeling subconsciously cycles, repeats, and deepens since childhood. Drinking of water is actually an annoying duty. Did your parents also force you to drink water? Most waters have a slight odor due to their mineral composition. Compared to other drinks, the water tastes more acidic to us. Most people have a strain on their stomach, which then rises for some time. In case of kids, we cannot fool them at all.

In case of *kids*, we cannot fool them at all.
We give them the water they need to drink because their bodies need it. But they don't like it, so we cultivate an experience in them - "what you don't like is good for your body." Many of us deal with the fact that we do not like water by drinking cold water (taste buds are then less sensitive and do not feel "disgusted"). Or by drinking bubble water, it has the same influence on taste buds. Drinking water with bubbles creates another vice, it feeds us, so the feeling of thirst stops before the body is really hydrated.
We promise that *Aqua Angels* will help you solve all this
The low mineral content and highly alkaline pH create an unmistakably delicate and light taste of water, which gives a naturally sweeter impression. So, ideally, you and your children will definitely like it, or at least it will definitely not disturb you and you will really start drinking enough water.
Low water mineralization does not burden your stomach or your body. You will drink a glass of water and you will be surprised that you can drink another one immediately. You really drink as much as you need. And you literally start your hydration and thus the necessary changes in the body.
For children, it immediately works that they playfully pump water from a glass barrel, they enjoy it, they start doing it themselves. Believe us how surprised you will be! Drinking regime solved.
There is a very simple psychology for adults - you have a barrel in your eyes, it will remind you of your drinking regime. In addition, natural laziness is eliminated - you don't have to open bottle and fridge, close it, go anywhere, you just pour water quickly and easily. Even the cold one. Glass barrels in a wooden box in combination with our Touch Pump or SlimCool look beautiful. It is scientifically proven that when we like what we consume, it has a big impact on how we like it.
Kids *enjoy* our water